unbiased data analyses to foster hockey performance... and entertain yourself!

Here you will find data analyses and hypotheses testing about the sport, new metrics you can use to track performance, and stats of some of the major championships in Spain.

We lost but deserved to win. He's the best player on his team. She's one of the top three players in the league. No doubt we can win this game! These types of statements, and many others, are opinions. They may or may not be accurate. But often, we lack proper data to support or refute them equitably. They are primarily biased perceptions. Ask the supporters of two teams about the referee, and they will show you evidence of a dual, contrasting reality. Of course, opinions are part of the fun, but it is even better to prove our opinion true! Hahaha. Seriosuly, using data and being objective can be equally fun. And it will make you progress as a hockey enthusiast, player, team, coach, manager, club, or you name it. Because you get rid of the nonsense that drags your efficiency and slows your progress down. Because you focus on what truly matters and maximize your chances.

In okjectivity, our statements won't be empty. We will use data and hypotheses testing to support our ideas to the highest scientific standard. We want the sport to progress forward efficiently, steadily, and confidently. Hippocrates said it very well. There are in fact two things: science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. From Okjectivity we will do our bit to transform data into knowledge to generate helpful hockey wisdom.
We are positive the path of science is the path to success.